Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas!!!!

howz it when your best friend falls in love????????????????????????
lemme tell my story.we are a "gang" of six and one fine morning one of us fall in "love".
and den she does'nt have time for us.her phone calls extends many hours,and we terribly miss her.we told her dis ,but she never understands.we console ourselves by saying that when relationship change priorities change.
and another fine day she spends with seems as if our friendship has been "re-discovered".
not that she had stopped calling him,but its after we say goodnight.and wen dis day happen to be the christmas day,its was a beautiful day,and we owe it completely to her,for being with us.


Annie Wicking said...

happy New Year!

Best wishes, Annie

SUBHADIP said...

Nice Blog and happy New Year..if you can please visit my blog ..I have added some new blogs..

Unknown said...

I connect with this very well. :-D
I've seen this happen around me a LOT.