Monday, February 1, 2016


back after really long time...
6 long years
and what years it have been!!
raised myself in every path of life...still continuing the journey...
with few more people beside me, the most loved ones
few people lost on the way, knowingly or unknowingly
lots of surprises, happiness, sadness......."bliss!!"

Thursday, December 16, 2010


alone, truely alone.....
left alone by all those who held me.

All of them had moved away...
Into the vast space around.
Only the promises remain..
The laughter they had carried away.
And i'm here, unable to utter a word
Only memories to speak to....

Even tears hesitate to flow down...
They may know it is useless
For the people they'v seen through my eyes
Would never return

When tears had given up
My heart refuses to do so..........................

Friday, May 29, 2009


It's raining all is the most magical's so wonderful to watch rain pouring down, watering earth and all trees are more brighter.

i've done something funny this time........................................

our room is in the sixth floor of the building,and it's raining......the bright droplets falling down outside our window......

i looked out , there were lights far away,from houses on the other side of the river,
and i SCREAMED out loud...............i wanted people in those houses to hear me!

one of my friend immediately ran to my room,what she could find was a SMILING me standing in front of the window.

It was impulsive!I could not resist it.what i felt after my endeavour was something special.Probably u could try it once!

I did scare one of my friends with my other ideas and she thought i was mad.....................the next thing i saw when i entered my room was, this friend staring out of the window watching the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"WHAT NEXT?" i asked myself.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's been 21 years into this world.Journying the paths chosen for me.

wondering what life had taught??????????????

experiences were good teachers. i know i've been learning all along. while watching the green fields, the sunset, the crossing paths, i've been learning!

while watching the people laugh, fight, love, cry, watching their eyes speak volumes about their lives i've been learning!!

the journeys i've taken i've watched people, their life contrasting with that of mine, their dreams carrying them along!

they have taught me to thank for what i have, for all the fortunes surrounding me.

they say life has a purpose.i've not yet found what mine is.but 'll be learning all along, with the winds that flow, with each sun rise, with each lost day, with each success and failures, with each shared smile...............................................................

Sunday, January 25, 2009

far apart you may be
but never away.......................
i had loved you,
"a lot" seems too little.
and now , while scaling new heights in life,
do you ever miss me?

for me, those days are back................
the days i dream about you, and miss you terribly!
you may never know..............
and you never wanted to!

i want you to desert my dreams...........
never come back again!
let me have the way,
let me forget you..........

i know i can't..........i'll try
or i can hate you, more than you can imagine,
so that i can talk about you,
and pretend not to like you!

those memories are vivid..........
colors still alive,
but time will take them away
and i'll be carried along!
